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The Most Powerful Energy Known To The Human Mind

I have made the most important discovery of my life...

Every single human is atuned to the energy of this life. "Does This Mean I'm Dreaming" is not a question, but a statement! The human brain is a broadcasting and receiving station connecting us all to the energy and source of life, as well as to one another and even our realities. This is not my discovery but something I am very much aware of and very important to the content if this blog post.

So what is the most powerful energy known to the human mind? This energy is known very well to the majority of people but, is sadly misused and missunderstood. It is in fact sexual energy. Sexual energy is extremely intense and at times can feel uncontrollable. For the majority of my life this energy has been so intense that I felt ashamed of myself, that I was cursed with this intense sexual energy. My relationships with women were clouded by this intense desire for sex, it leaked into every faucet of my relationships. This misunderstanding and misuse of this very intense, powerful energy is destructive to relationships, the body and mind. The misuse of this energy causes many harmful side effects of depression, stress, feelings of insanity and even suicidal tendancies. Many, many people misuse this energy! The answer, Sexual Transmutation.

Yes, Sexual Transmutation! Okay, slow down, what?

Sexual Transmutation is the act of harnessing this extremely powerful energy and transferring it into other faucets of life including Creative Imagination, goals and success. To explain this in a simpler way I will describe to you exactly how I have unconciously transmuted my own sexual energy into my goals and the transformation that took place.

In 2012 I moved 2,000 miles away from home to attend the Art Institute of Tuscon, leaving at home a girlfriend. We decided to give the long distance a chance. During this time away my artwork took a transformation that still to this day blows my mind. I feel as though I am years, even decades ahead of the curve. I owe this transformation to my intense sexual desire! My girlfriend was 2,000 miles away and of course my sexual desire was still very close to home. I had no way of expressing the energy physically, so naturally, I harnessed this energy and I unconciously put it into use. Instead of transferring my energy physically, I transferred that energy into my artwork. What happened is nothing short of, but, not to be confused with, a miracle. This is the power of energy!

I am BLESSED with intense sexual energy, not CURSED! And so are you.

This is my discovery and It's life-changing! I can now harness the most powerful energy and use it to my advantage, something most men do not attain until well into their forty's or fifty's, if at all! Napoleon Hill describes this incredible shift of mind in his book, "Think and Grow Rich", as nothing short of genius. I'm not saying this ability means I am a genius, that is of course, inflated ego. However, according to Napoleon... Haha XD... The good news is that now you can learn to harness your sexual energy and put it to great use too.

So, to a new chapter of life and a new chapter of transformation, I say to you all, cheers! What a wonderful life to be living! What a blessing it is to be alive, to dream, to grow, to be!

I owe my success to the woman who is a great part of my life. For she cultivates the intense energy that propells my succes further than I could ever imagine. I am no longer ashamed of my sexual energy but, proud of it! I feel so good that you can expect more of these articles, more artwork, more, more, more, of the best creative reality I can conjur up and bring into this life. Hello, to a whole new world. May you find the courage to tackle your own sexual energy and put it to better use than physical contact. If you're reading this it is my wish for you to discover how important it is to understand this energy, to use it correctly. Sex can be highly destructive when misused. It is for love and it is not to be taken lightly. Harness that sexual energy and do something constructive with it, create your life with it, use it well my friends! Thank you for reading!

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