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Outside Our Bubble & the Next Phase of Human Consciousness

I have finally uncovered my go to phrase for every single issue in life; Lead by example or shut the f*** up. You see, I need it this way and chances are so do you. Because although we have been taught that we're each so very different... we're actually a lot a like. This is just one of the many, many tricks and manipulative tactics of an agenda that requires you to separate from humans and keep up with the Jones's. We need to constantly question everything and be aware of the conclusions planted into our minds.

Think outside the box is a phrase many are familiar with. Now let's reflect a bit on this phrase. What does this box stand for? A box is dark on the inside and that doesn't sound so hopeful. In order to think at all, we need to be outside of that box at all times. The box is the system, it tells us who to vote for and it tell us what to eat, how to act, what makes us happy and how to live our lives. For some odd reason, our society would collapse without the manipulative goop holding it all together. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, I'm saying that's what we as a human race need. it's our next leap in terms of evolution. Our conscious minds are shifting and I'm here in this time to help with that.

The global conscious web of knowledge can be illustrated as a bubble. Within this bubble is all the knowledge man has uncovered throughout the ages. Also within this bubble of known knowledge is lots of smaller bubbles; these bubbles illustrate our own individual knowledge within the realms of the known knowledge. You see, when we are outside the "box" we are in our "bubble." Our bubbles are views on known knowledge of our interests, desires, passions and motivations behind other directions of knowledge including hobbies and fitness. What's incredible about being in your bubble is it's clear and although you have a bubble, you can see the world of the undiscovered right outside.

Lead by example or shut the f*** up! Humans throughout the ages have been doing their part and uncovering the knowledge outside of their bubbles. These are people who challenged the status quo, not only were they outside the box (thinking for themselves) but, they were dancing outside of it. Their passion lit the world on fire! They changed the way that we do things and how we live. What's more... these changes become the status quo! We must each begin to dance outside of our box and peer outside of our bubbles of knowledge. We must battle the status quo and keep evolving because it doesn't end here people! The world is still changing and right now our people are under attack; being manipulated and brought up to except the existing system. We've drawn conclusions about life that are completely undermining our true nature to grow, build and evolve.

You can learn how to do these things and I have worked my whole life to teach you exactly how. "Does This Mean I'm Dreaming - Rewire Your Subconscious and Influence Reality" Is my nugget of the unknown brought to attention. It's the voice of 10,000 generations and our next state of conscious beings. It's our future; it's our destiny. I have been hard at work creating this for you but, in the meantime I threw together, quite sloppily I might add, a short report that you can get right now before the book is released. With this knowledge alone, you can begin now.

Follow the link.

To learn more about the voices of 10,000 generations, I urge you to take Tai's 67 Steps course. It's chalk full of age-old wisdom. What's more, I get a commission for this program if you buy. I have tried this course and it will transform your bubble of knowledge.

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