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Houston, We Have A [Serious] Problem

"Why am I on Earth?" That thought planted itself in my mind at the ripe young age of three. Perplexed, dumbfounded and awed by this question, I buried it deep into the field of my mind. I maintained that seed and looked, searched and observed my reality intently. Trying to find the answer to this very question. In the latter part of my childhood, I was a distant observer. 19 years later, I have finally found the answer. 8 years ago my high school art teacher sparked a fire within me, " No one is born with talent, talent is earned." She said. It was on this very day I began, finally, to understand the inner workings of my mind--proving my teacher wrong was a crucial step in my development as an artist. To be clear, she was absolutely correct.


My hopes are that you too, will find the answers to some of the greatest questions you face in this life. My hopes are that you too will find your purpose and thus, transform the world we live in. After-all, isn't that the very quality that separates the man from the beast? Tucked within the song of the Youniverse is a very specific tune, a tune that can only be played by you.

Much of my life was laid waste by the public education system. It has failed me. My genius could have been drawn out much sooner. You see, the knowledge I have discovered has been around long before I was. This knowledge is the real stuff, It's not fact and memorization, A's and B's, pass or fail. It's research and exploration, training and experimentation. True knowledge is experienced. My rare way of thinking and planning made me the perfect candidate to discover these seemingly hidden "secrets". In the past, such knowledge was reserved for the elite. Very few men were able to acquire this knowledge and have since been known as the "old masters."


The obstacle we face now, is many of our peers do not know, or believe rather, in the power of their minds. I fear that most do not have the mental capacity to adopt the hardships that come with obtaining the control of the mind. The education system, it seems, does not intend on educating us to take control of our own minds but to instead answer to those assigned to take lead. Do we not however, lead our own lives?

When I began college in 2012, I already had 4+ years of study under my belt. 98% of my peers had clearly waited to be instructed. Learning is a painful and tedious process. Much like body-building, the body must be fed with the correct nutrients and then exerted into a structured program designed to confuse and tear the muscles, resulting in pain and gain.

The good news is I have dedicated my life to making significant changes in the structure of our education system. In 7th grade, I wrote in my journal of a vision for the future in which the education system had been completely upgraded. Baffled by how on Earth such a task would be possible, I dropped the topic. 5 years later in 2012, I continued this interest further in my senior paper titled, "We Are Human, We Are Art" In which, I discovered so much knowledge on brain function that I was absolutely flabbergasted by the ignorance of our school system. Yet again, I was baffled by the large task at hand: How on Earth could I manage to do this?

For now, I would let go of this question once more. Little did I know, 4 years later the answer would unfold in a powerfully profound way--I never saw this coming. For 4 of the longest years of my life I would create a series of artwork to describe my own profound understanding in such a way that I simply could not do with words. Over 10,000 hours in drawing alone--"Does This Mean I'm Dreaming," slowly became a reality.

With my series nearing completion I realized the opportunity to turn this series into a book, I could finally find the words and this series would become my purpose--a manifesto. This would become my life's work. I will disrupt the education system until my dying breathe because, I have a vision of the future where the prodigies and geniuses walks commonly among us. Where mere children revolutionize the functions of society everyday. Where humanity takes leaps and bounds into a greater future. For the sustenance of our civilization and for the generations of humanity to come; it is my purpose, it is why I'm on Earth, to be the catalyst of this great change. To "see" and become this vision. I am relentless, I am persistent, I am David Lion and I am the coming change.

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